
Life can feel big and like we’re the only ones experiencing what we’re going through.

We want you to know you’re not alone in what you’re experiencing. That’s why we share stories.

Watch below to see how God has met others right where they were and helped them move to healthier and more fulfilling places in life.



I never thought I could use running to make a difference

Justin started running as a hobby, but God showed him how he could use something as simple as running as a personal mission. Listen to Justin’s story of how God multiplied what Justin was already doing for fun to make a big difference in our community.

Life Groups

I was lost and I didn’t know how to get out…

Kristen grew up in a religious setting centered around rituals and going through the right motions. After struggling in college, she was introduced to what an actual relationship with Jesus looked like and how it would change her entire approach to faith.


Hope showed up and changed my life

Hear stories of people living for themselves, feeling far from God and full of shame, guilt, and anger.
Then hope showed up and changed everything.


My past caused me shame…

Ron’s life was weighing on him daily. Through Restore, he found a peace knowing God was in control of his life and loved him no matter what he’d done in his past.


“I thought I was no longer useful for God…”

Pam wanted to go on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic, but doubt started to creep in about her age, her spiritual readiness and if God still wanted to use her. She felt the Holy Spirit guide her as she shared her story with others on the trip. God showed her that as long as she is alive, her mission isn’t done!


I found Jesus in my work

Scott had a desire to incorporate what he did for work with what Jesus was doing in his life. He found a way to take his skills and use them in a place God was already at work.


It’s a safe place to share the hard things and have fun with friends…

Hear how Thrive Students has impacted our middle and high schoolers. Emma says it’s a safe place to share the hard things and have fun with friends. Hayden loves the retreats. Lily is thankful for her small group leaders who keep her accountable and point her to Christ in tough times.


I was angry, ashamed, and anxious…

CJ lived daily not knowing how to actually apply what she knew about the Bible to her life. That led to anger, shame, and anxiety that overwhelmed her on a daily basis. Through Restore, she learned how to live in the grace of Jesus and truly cast all her cares on him.


I found out I have a problem with pride

Randall saw himself as better than others. He learned that God loves him and will never forsake him. By God’s grace, he is striving to see and treat others the way God does.


Instead of going to God, I would run away…

Keli and Matt both had shame and guilt causing distance between them, their relationship with each other, and their relationship with God. Through learning their place in God’s story, they were able to see how Jesus loved them despite their struggles and the freedom knowing that brings.


I didn’t like being a Christian…

Jill became a Christian at a young age but was never taught what it meant to be a disciple. She struggled with fear, shame, and living up to what she thought a Christian should be. Restore helped her learn she was loved and accepted by Jesus no matter what.


It’s where I can learn about Jesus and the Bible

Teaching kids about Jesus is something we take seriously. Hear from some of our Salem Kids about what they’re learning and how Jesus is beginning to impact their lives.


I endured years of abuse and my own sin. I felt like a fraud of a Christian…

Bethany felt like she was crumbling under the pressures of life. God showed her that He understands her pain and struggles and that communion with Him is her utmost good. Bethany is learning that she doesn’t have to live under the guilt and shame of all the ways she falls short, but is rejoicing and trusting God and his unfailing grace and goodness… for abusers and victims alike.


Reaching every man, woman, and child with the gospel in the Dominican Republic

Pathway Dominicana is a Non-Profit Missions Organization serving in the Dominican Republic. Their goal is to reach every man, woman, and child with the gospel in the Dominican Republic. The Pathway team is formed by a group of volunteers out of San Pedro and a team of international partners and supporters. Salem Chapel is partnering with Pathway by sending teams of volunteers throughout the year.


The Phone Call That Changed Everything: How God Equipped Me for Discipleship

I didn’t feel worthy or ready to disciple others. God connected me with an old friend who needed help and gave me the wisdom to guide her. Through our journey, she accepted Christ, and I realized we are all equipped to be disciple makers when we obey God’s call.


Reading the Bible was difficult for me

Felicia always struggled with reading her Bible. She wanted to read but didn’t know where or what to read. The Bible Reading Tool helped her re-learn how to approach God’s word in a way that was life giving and personal to her everyday life.