We’re not about rules or check-the-box Christianity.

At Salem Chapel, we want to help you have a real relationship with the real Jesus. It’s that simple.

But we also know it’s not that easy. Each one of our ministries is designed to help you see how Jesus makes a difference in your everyday life. Knowing your life looks different than everyone else’s, we’ve developed three different pathways for you to choose from as you walk daily with Jesus.

Life Groups

Life Groups are communities of disciples committed to following Jesus together and are a way for you to get to know others and be known as well. They are groups of 10-16 people who meet three times each month in home across our area.

Our model of Life Group might be different than what you’ve experienced before. Our Life Groups read the Bible together and work through the Bible Reading Tool to help each other learn how the Bible applies to normal, everyday life.

Your first step to join a Life Group is to attend Salem Connect.

Abide Groups

Abide Groups are smaller groups – usually 3-5 people – who meet together to read the Bible and pray. They are both flexible and portable to any schedule and almost any environment.

One of the best parts of Abide Groups is the ability to adapt these groups for any type of schedule or location – whether inside Salem Chapel or with your friends, neighbors, and co-workers who may attend another church or no church at all.

As with everything we do, the goal of Abide Groups is to help you learn how Jesus impacts your everyday life and help others do the same.


Restore is a Biblical framework of discipleship that helps you experience how Jesus makes a difference in your everyday life.

In Restore, we help you learn to reframe how you look at your everyday struggles in life in light of God’s story and what Jesus came to do. You will learn how even though you are living in a broken world, you are also living in Christ and how that makes a difference in real, tangible ways.

Restore meets multiple nights each week from January to April or from September to December.


Upcoming Events

Adults, College, Next Steps

September 12 - November 7, 2024

In a culture that is increasingly at odds with a biblical worldview, many Christians struggle to find the right answers or resources to defend their beliefs confidently. The study of Christian Apologetics is a branch of Theology dedicated to being able to defend the positions of our faith, first to our own doubting hearts and then in compassion as we seek to point others to Christ.


November 2, 2024

Join us for an intimate women's pottery workshop where we explore Christ as our healer through a hands-on clay illustration. In this 3.5-hour workshop, led by Salem Chapel family member and accomplished potter Ashley Barton, we’ll reflect on biblical metaphors of clay, examine our hearts, and discover the healing Christ offers. Each participant will create a handbuilt coil vessel, to be glazed and fired, and returned in November.

Adults, Next Steps, All-Church

November 8-9, 2024

We know connecting to a new church can be hard, and we want to do what we can to help make the process easier for you to know if Salem Chapel is the church for you. Over the course of a Friday evening and Saturday morning together, you’ll hear more about who we are, what we’re about, and how Jesus makes a difference in your everyday life. You’ll also hear about the different opportunities you can be a part of, what your kids and students can experience, and areas in our church and community that you can serve and get involved in.